PosiTector Developer Resources

USB keyboard mode

USB Keyboard mode enables PosiTector Advanced instruments to emulate a USB keyboard when connected to a computer.

USB Keyboard mode communicates with your computer by emulating keyboard keystrokes. When connected in this mode, PosiTector Advanced instruments will be recognized as a simple USB keyboard. Each reading is ‘typed’, followed by a carriage return (enter). This provides a simple way to capture readings as they are taken without any special software, drivers or complex setup.

WiFi streaming

Built into the PosiTector Advanced gauge is the ability to stream readings over WiFi. If WiFi Streaming is enabled in the WiFi menu, the gauge will send a GET request to specified URL for each reading. The URL can contain tags which are replaced by the PosiTector with values corresponding to the reading. This solution turns the PosiTector gauge body into an Internet of Things device and is ideal for users with an existing WiFi network and a desire to stream live readings to a central application or database.

How to use WiFi Streaming

  1. Connect the PosiTector to a WiFi network
  2. Navigate to http://<positector ip address="">:8080/stream_url.php on a device connected to the </positector>same network. Replace <positector ip address=""> with the IP of the PosiTector found in the Connect menu. This page contains a text area where a URL can be entered as well as instructions on how to format the URL and what optional tags are available.</positector>
  3. As readings are taken the gauge will send GET requests to the URL entered.

USB serial streaming

PosiTector Advanced allows live streaming of measurement values to a USB connected computer.

Any software that accepts data via a serial interface can be configured to accept the PosiTector data stream.

The PosiTector creates a virtual ‘serial’ port, a protocol commonly used by applications to communicate with external tools and devices. PosiTector measurements can be captured as they are taken in real-time, including metadata such as the units and measurement type.

Any serial-compatible software can be configured to accept the PosiTector data stream. Proficient (by InfinityQS) and WinSPC (by DataNet systems) are two popular statistical process control (SPC) software options.

This solution is ideal for users who want the reliability and simplicity of a wired connection.

measurement data being streamed to a computer and processed using Proficient (by InfinityQS)


measurement data being streamed to a computer and processed using WinSPC (by DataNet systems)


WiFi server mode

WiFi wireless technology is included with all PosiTector Advanced models Automatic Adhesion Testers with touchscreen display.

Any device connected on the same WiFi network can wirelessly access the gauge's stored measurement data to:

  • Viewed stored measurements using a standard web browser
  • Access HTML, comma delimited text (.txt) and JSON schema files - parse information for inclusion in databases or custom software applications
  • Remotely control gauge memory features such as creating a new batch, closing a batch and deleting all measurement data
  • Remotely view the live display of a working instrument - see the gauge display as if it were in your hand

This solution is ideal for users who want to store readings in the PosiTector gauge body to be transferred to another device at a later date.